Using Cookies to Authenticate Next.js + Apollo GraphQL Requests
Updated 3 weeks ago
In the spirit of over-complicating the hell out of my personal website, I spent time this weekend trying to solve one very small and seemingly-simple problem: can I make my statically-generated website know when I am viewing it?
Background and problem
I have a bookmarks page where I store helpful links. To add new links, I set up a workflow where I can text myself a url from anywhere. Here's the code to do this. New links get stored in Firebase, which triggers a cloud function to populate metadata for the url by scraping the web page. Here's the cloud function to do this. This flow is really great for saving links while I'm away from my computer.
But, when I'm on my laptop, two problems emerge:
- If I want to add a new bookmark, I can't just go to
and paste a link. - If I do save a link by texting myself, it can often scrape incorrect metadata in the cloud function. Usually it's because people set their
tags like{actually useful content about the page} · Site Name
and I don't want theSite Name
included in my bookmarks list.
So what I want is:
- When visiting
, determine if I am the one viewing the page. - If so, disclose UI controls to add and edit bookmarks.
- Protect the adding/deleting mutations from being run by anyone else, since my GraphQL endpoint is exposed to the internet (another problem, another day).
The hiccups came when I tried to figure out how this should work with GraphQL (which I use on the backend to stitch together multiple third party API services - see code) and Next.js's recently-release Static Site Generation feature.
- Right now the
route is statically generated at build time. This means that every initial page view will assume an unauthenticated render. So I'll need to check for authentication after the JavaScript rehydrates the client. - I'm not interested in maintaining more database surface area for some kind of
record. This functionality is just for me. Firebase's authentication implementation was a pain, so I abandoned that path in favor of simple cookie authentication.
Useful context
First, some useful information that I dug up through while working on this problem:
- Next.js automatically wraps API routes with a middleware to add a
object to the httprequest
. - I found this helpful cookies middleware wrapper that will add a
helper function to allresponse
objects in the backend. This will be used to set and nullify cookies.
Setting up the frontend
The client side of this project ended up being quite complex. Remember:
should be statically generated at build time, always rendering a "logged out" view.- When
is loaded, it needs to mount with a pre-populatedApolloProvider
cache to have access to the mutation and query hooks that come with@apollo/client
. - After the page renders, it needs to kick off a query to determine if the viewer is me and progressively disclose UI controls if it is.
Fortunately, I found this comment in the Next.js discussion forum which explains how to implement a withApollo
higher-order component that can instantiate itself with props from the static build phase.
I made some small modifications, but you can see the implementation here.
Next, we need to instantiate an ApolloClient
during build time in getStaticProps
// graphql/api/index.ts
const CLIENT_URL =
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? ''
: 'http://localhost:3000'
const endpoint = `${CLIENT_URL}/api/graphql`
const link = new HttpLink({ uri: endpoint })
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
export async function getStaticApolloClient() {
return new ApolloClient({
Now, in any of our page routes we can use Apollo to fetch data at build time:
// pages/bookmarks.tsx
import { getStaticApolloClient } from '~/graphql/api'
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'
// ... component up here, detailed later
const GET_BOOKMARKS = gql`
query GetBookmarks {
bookmarks {
export async function getStaticProps() {
const client = await getStaticApolloClient()
await client.query({ query: GET_BOOKMARKS })
return {
props: {
// this hydrates the clientside Apollo cache in the `withApollo` HOC
apolloStaticCache: client.cache.extract(),
Logging in
Because I'll want to add new links to my bookmarks from many devices, I'll need some way to programmatically set a cookie in the browser by "logging in."
The flow should be:
- I enter a password on the client
- The password gets sent as an argument to my GraphQL API in a
mutation - The
mutation resolver decides whether or not the password is correct. If it isn't, it rejects the request. If the password is correct, it sets a cookie on the response header and returnstrue
Before I can do any of this, I'll need to ensure that my GraphQL mutations have access to cookies and a response
object. We can add this information to the GraphQL context object in the server constructor:
// pages/api/graphql/index.ts
import cookies from './path/to/cookieHelper'
import typeDefs from './path/to/typeDefs'
import resolvers from './path/to/resolvers'
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-micro'
function isAuthenticated(req) {
// I use a cookie called 'session'
const { session } = req?.cookies
// Cryptr requires a minimum length of 32 for any signing
if (!session || session.length < 32) {
return false
const secret = process.env.PASSWORD_TOKEN
const validated = process.env.PASSWORD
const cryptr = new Cryptr(secret)
const decrypted = cryptr.decrypt(session)
return decrypted === validated
function context(ctx) {
return {
// expose the cookie helper in the GraphQL context object
cookie: ctx.res.cookie,
// allow queries and mutations to look for an `isMe` boolean in the context object
isMe: isAuthenticated(ctx.req),
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false, // required for Next.js to play nicely with GraphQL request bodies
const handler = apolloServer.createHandler({ path: '/api/graphql' })
// attach cookie helpers to all response objects
export default cookies(handler)
The mutation:
// graphql/mutations/auth.ts
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'
export const LOGIN = gql`
mutation login($password: String!) {
login(password: $password)
The resolver:
// graphql/resolvers/mutations/login.ts
import Cryptr from 'cryptr'
export function login(_, { password }, ctx) {
const { cookie } = ctx
const validator = process.env.PASSWORD
if (password !== validator) return false
const secret = process.env.PASSWORD_TOKEN
const cryptr = new Cryptr(secret)
const encrypted = cryptr.encrypt(password)
// the password is correct, set a cookie on the response
cookie('session', encrypted, {
// cookie is valid for all subpaths of my domain
path: '/',
// this cookie won't be readable by the browser
httpOnly: true,
// and won't be usable outside of my domain
sameSite: 'strict',
// tell the mutation that login was successful
return true
Next, let's log in from the client:
// pages/login.tsx
import * as React from 'react'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client'
import { LOGIN } from '~/graphql/mutations/auth.ts'
import { withApollo } from '~/components/withApollo'
function Login() {
const router = useRouter()
const [password, setPassword] = React.useState('')
const [handleLogin] = useMutation(LOGIN, {
variables: { password },
onCompleted: (data) => data.login && router.push('/'),
function onSubmit(e) {
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
onChange={(e) => setPassword(}
// remember that withApollo wraps our component in an ApolloProvider, giving us access to use the `useMutation` and `useQuery` hooks in our component.
export default withApollo(Login)
So our flow should now work:
- I enter a password on the client
- The password gets sent as a variable to my mutation
- The mutation verifies the password, signs a session cookie, and returns it in the response headers to be saved in the browser
Validating my identity on the client
Okay, so now I have a signed cookie on my browser which will be used in all future requests to verify my identity. The next step is provide the client with some kind of isMe
boolean that can be fetched from anywhere. We can write a small GraphQL mutation to provide this information:
// graphql/queries/isMe.ts
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'
export const IS_ME = gql`
query IsMe {
Remember, we've already written an isMe
helper into our GraphQL context object, so we can return that value in our resolver:
// graphql/resolvers/isMe.ts
export function isMe(_, __, { isMe }) {
return isMe
Next, let's write our GraphQL query on the client to find out if it's me viewing the page:
// src/hooks/useAuth.tsx
import { IS_ME } from '~/graphql/queries/isMe.ts'
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
export function useAuth() {
const { data } = useQuery(IS_ME)
return {
isMe: data && data.isMe,
With this helper hook, we can now start checking for isMe
anywhere in the client:
// src/pages/bookmarks.tsx
import * as React from 'react'
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
import BookmarksList from '~/components/Bookmarks'
import { GET_BOOKMARKS } from '~/graphql/queries'
import { useAuth } from '~/hooks/useAuth'
import { getStaticApolloClient } from '~/graphql/api'
import { withApollo } from '~/components/withApollo'
import AddBookmark from '~/components/AddBookmark'
function Bookmarks() {
// cache-and network is used because after I add a new bookmark, other people will still be seeing the statically-served HTML created at build time. In this way, the user will see a page rendered _instantly_, and the client will kick off a network request to ensure it has the latest bookmarks data.
const { data } = useQuery(GET_BOOKMARKS, { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' })
const { bookmarks } = data
const { isMe } = useAuth()
return (
{isMe && <AddBookmark />}
{bookmarks && <BookmarksList bookmarks={bookmarks} />}
export async function getStaticProps() {
const client = await getStaticApolloClient()
await client.query({ query: GET_BOOKMARKS })
return {
props: {
apolloStaticCache: client.cache.extract(),
export default withApollo(Bookmarks)
Adding bookmarks
Okay, so now I can progressively disclose UI on the client once the site knows it's me. But because my GraphQL endpoint is exposed to the internet, we'll need to make sure that random people can't write their own POST
s to maliciously save bookmarks.
Here's the mutation resolver on the backend checking the isMe
flag set in the context object, some input validation, and then persisting the bookmark.
// graphql/resolvers/mutations/bookmarks.ts
import { URL } from 'url'
import { AuthenticationError, UserInputError } from 'apollo-server-micro'
import firebase from '~/graphql/api/firebase'
import getBookmarkMetaData from './getBookmarkMetaData'
function isValidUrl(string) {
try {
new URL(string)
return true
} catch (err) {
return false
export async function addBookmark(_, { url }, { isMe }) {
if (!isMe) throw new AuthenticationError('You must be logged in')
if (!isValidUrl(url)) throw new UserInputError('URL was invalid')
const metadata = await getBookmarkMetaData(url)
const id = await firebase
createdAt: new Date(),
.then(({ id }) => id)
return await firebase
.then((doc) =>
.then((res) => ({ ...res, id }))
This is all a bit...complicated, to say the least. But when it all works, it actually works quite well! And as I incrementally add more mutation types, it should all Just Workâ„¢.
At the end of the day, the site gets all the benefits of super-fast initial page loads thanks to static generation at build time, with all the downstream client side functionality of a regular React application.
I hope the pseudocode above will help unblock anyone that is following a similar path as me, but just in case, here's the full pull request containing all the changes that eventually made this work. You'll notice I spent some time hacking in automatic type generation and hook generation using GraphQL Code Generator, and added some polish to the overall experience (like a /logout
page which clears the cookie, in case I'm on a device I don't own).
Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions, I'd love to help! Otherwise, the Next.js discussions have been a fantastic resource for finding solutions to a lot of common problems.
Good luck!
A small favor
Was anything I wrote confusing, outdated, or incorrect? Please let me know! Just write a few words below and I’ll be sure to amend this post with your suggestions.
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