
Overthinking out loud about design, development, and building products.

This post aims to outline the characteristics of software that we believe determine its fundamental quality.

Updated 1 week ago

Rebuilding my self-hosted blog with Next.js and Ghost as a headless CMS.

Updated 2 weeks ago

How adding just-for-me authentication cascaded into new ideas and possibilities for play.

Updated 2 weeks ago

A living list of useful and inspiring product design portfolios.

Updated 2 weeks ago

In the spirit of over-complicating the hell out of my personal website, I spent time this weekend trying to solve one very small and seemingly-simple problem: can I make my website know when I am viewing it?

Updated 3 weeks ago

How I added automatic dark mode to my personal site using Next.js, styled-components, and useDarkmode.

Updated 4 weeks ago

It's time to change the way I think about building and maintaining my personal website.

Updated 2 months ago

Building Figma plugins to automate the boring parts of product design.

Updated 2 months ago

Exploring the meta skills that product designers can use to learn faster, work on more impactful products, or collaborate with more interesting people.

Updated 2 months ago

It's no longer possible to be a "designer unicorn."

Updated 2 months ago

Finally: a fast and simple, privacy-first analytics alternative to Google Analytics.

Updated 2 months ago

Advice for designers and developers who are taking their first steps in investing.

Updated 2 months ago

How I improved the loading time of our podcast network's API by 20x with one small configuration change.

Updated 2 months ago

While it might not be necessary to work nights and weekends, it does seem practically useful.

Updated 2 months ago

Looking back on 2019 and setting goals for the next year.

Updated 2 months ago

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