Posted 5 hours ago



Most of the highly recommended books for software developers are about 400 pages. Sometimes I want to start and finish a book in a weekend and 400 is too much for me. Which books under 200 pages do you recommend to software developers?

Bonus: Best non-tech books under 200 pages

7 minutes ago by haunter

Neil Davidson: Don't just roll the dice – Software pricing guide

12 minutes ago by kristopolous

The 22 immutable laws of marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout. Software is ultimately for humans. Understanding products, marketing and selling help you build better tools for humans and see how products (be it open source, programming languages, retail products, etc) work in the marketplace and not run down paths of "well this is the most popular they must be the best" ...

Solid marketing foundations are probably one of the more important skills that separate the good from the great practitioners.

4 hours ago by afarrell

A Philosophy of Software Design.

Very well-written. At 190 pages, quite likely finish-able in a weekend. But if you get 70% of the way through it, that is still very valuable. It makes sense as an underlying set of principles that explain why you would use design patterns.

13 minutes ago by codelion

Test Lean and Ship Healthy -

A short handbook on developing high quality software in the DevOps world.

2 hours ago by jll29

I recommend these two free online/e-books by Niklaus Wirth:

Compiler Construction How to build a compiler from scractch (if you read German, there is an even more concise book by him, "Übersetzerbau)".

Project Oberon How to build a personal workstation including all software from scratch.

26 minutes ago by znhll

There's a whole series of ebooks by Syncfusion that are exactly what you're describing. Matter fact I think they call them the "Succintly" ebooks series because they tend to introduce a technology or topic in a short 100-200 pages. Check em out here:

4 hours ago by cutty

For those of you who claim to start and finish a book in a weekend, are you spending literally the entire weekend doing nothing by reading? Do you take breaks? Do you speed read? Do you take notes? What's your strategy?

30 minutes ago by jnurmine

In general, the more you read, the better your read.

For me, fiction books are easy when getting into it. It's like watching a movie unfold inside the head. It's simply difficult to put a good fiction book down.

Non-fiction in general is not as fast to process. But, sometimes books have a lot of redundancy, explaining things already explained, repeating the same thing over and over, and repeating the same thing over and over, and explaining things already explained, and so on. I just skip that without remorse.

I speed read when it makes sense (for example, when finding some information fast in a mass of unknown text). I take notes in different ways, sometimes use a mindmap and use different techniques to analyze and remember.

I take some breaks, too, but they are not scheduled nor regular. The ideal break is a short walk outside, but this is often not practical.

Doing 350 pages of non-fiction in a normal weekend is hard, unless I'm alone without family, eat takeaway and have some background knowledge of the subject and can skip some parts since I already know it. For something completely new, maybe 3-4 days is more accurate an estimate.

Doing 350 pages of fiction is very fast, specially if it's in my native language. Other languages are a bit slower to process.

Last but not least, if it turns out that the author is stupid and/or the content is rubbish, then reading the book becomes hard work. Therefore, I think one has to have some form of interest in the book as well to motivate reading the book at all and to be open to consuming the book effectively. For me, this interest is actually one of the key things for consuming a book. For example, once I had to stop reading one of George Friedman's books for the aforementioned reasons; thinking "this is such bullshit" after every few pages is not a good signal.

One way to build up this interest towards a book is to create, beforehand, some questions which the book should somehow answer.

Hope this helps and gives you some ideas.

an hour ago by MivLives

I can really do fiction books that fast.

If I really push I can do a 350 page book in one day of about eight hours.

I do take breaks if I have a need such as eating, or the rest room.

I do not speed read. My strategy is to sit down, read, and get done at some point.

Non fiction is a bit different, and depends wildly on the topic, how familiar I am with the topic, and how dry the book is.

I also enjoy nonfiction podcasts, and talks which I play at 1.5x speed while doing things like bike riding, or cleaning.

I don't think there's a particular reason to read a book in one weekend. For me the outside world kinda just fades away as I do it like it does when you binge a lot of things. But if you don't have the time or that ability, shorter chunks, even a chapter a night or splitting it over multiple weekends seems like a good idea to me.

35 minutes ago by scruple

I've recently taken to listening to almost everything spoken at 1.5-1.75x speeds. Content creators on YouTube have taken to speaking v e r y slowly, adding a lot of useless fluff / filler, or both. I see it in almost every video that I watch today. It seems like everyone is chasing that magic 10 minute mark with videos containing 2 minutes of actual content.

The side effect being that I am able to track things much better now at that speed and I can bang through podcasts much easier now that I've acclimated to the faster speeds. Really recommend this to anyone who also listens to a lot of podcasts or audio books, it's a good hack to get more content in.

an hour ago by koolba

> I also enjoy nonfiction podcasts, and talks which I play at 1.5x speed while doing things like bike riding, or cleaning.

Listening to a podcast or audio book while doing monotonous tasks is both life changing and addictive.

2 hours ago by bryanrasmussen

I used to be able to do 200 pages in 4-6 hours (albeit not highly complicated books - Narnia books near the 4 hour limit ), but am out of practice reading for such extended periods due to having a family. Still I doubt that it could be over 8 hours for the simpler books.

Huckelberry Finn, which is a pretty complicated book given all the dialect and the ideas it presents, used to take me about 8-9 hours. I recently read it over a period of 2 days in ebook reader during pauses in a pretty heavy schedule of taking care of kids, cleaning house etc.

3 hours ago by frompdx

For me, some books are much easier than others and that plays a big role in how fast I finish reading.

> are you spending literally the entire weekend doing nothing by reading?

For the most part, yes.

> Do you take breaks?


> Do you speed read?


> Do you take notes?

Usually I take notes on things that jump out at me while I read. I don't take a lot of notes. Maybe one note every ten pages or so.

> What's your strategy?

Stay off of reddit and hacker news. Instead of spending time on the internet in the mornings or if I feel board, I reach for the book I am trying to finish and I keep my phone somewhere it can't distract me. Very tempting to get distracted and start looking at your phone. Before you know it you're five pages deep on reddit and half an hour is gone.

Another thing I do pretty frequently is flip to the next chapter and tell my self, only x pages to until I get to that chapter. It helps me stay focused and motivated.

4 hours ago by erkanerol

Here is my recommendation: Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman

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